center of the universe tulsa

When most people hear the term “center of the universe,” they may think of some cosmic point far removed from their existence. Tulsa, Oklahoma, has adopted the mythical and unusual idea to create the “Center of the Universe.”  A small, well-defined, acoustical, unusual place hidden away from plain view in the city’s industrial downtown. The name may draw snickers, but the effect may be somewhat overrated. The Center of the Universe is famous for its fascinating and popular acoustic characteristics. Let’s explore all the fun facts about Center of the Universe Tulsa together through this blog.

How does the Center of the Universe in Tulsa work?

You may have heard about the Center of the Universe in Tulsa. It is an acoustic anomaly. It is supposedly a place that the United States Geological Survey has decreed as being acoustically unusual. You can’t claim this without sound scientific evidence. In Tulsa, if you stand at one particular spot in the middle of the circle and make a noise, that noise will travel around the circle and come back to you significantly amplified. It sounds like the reverberation of a loud noise in a vast, vacant area. It sounds like something has been let go from a very high place.

What is the Center of the Universe Explained?

What is the acoustic anomaly of the Center of the Universe

The theory of the Center of the Universe is not related to astronomy. It is a place on the pedestrian path of a bridge in downtown Tulsa.  A fire occurred in the 1980s, and the bridge’s rebuilding gave birth to this phenomenon. According to local phenomenon, Tulsa, Oklahoma, is considered the Center of the Universe. In this unique spot, all sounds are entirely different from what they sound like anywhere else. All sounds, including music, vocal and instrumental, and even the words of the person talking, sound distorted and come from different directions than where the sound sources are located.

What is the Mystery of the Center of the Universe?

What is the Mystery of the Center of the UniverseImage: Source

Let’s learn how the center of the Universe works. The acoustic anomaly of the Center of the Universe happens due to its unique architecture. The distinct architecture of the buildings and surfaces in the vicinity of the Center of the Universe creates an intriguing pattern of sound reflection that is quite unusual. The whole area is designed to reflect the sound of the Center. Even buildings and streets are structured smartly, which kind of traps the sound and creates an impact of echo chambers. The design of roads and other infrastructure around the Center of the Universe trap the sound and unintentionally contribute to creating acoustic effects.

How Big is the Center of the Universe Plaza?

How big is the Center of the Universe PlazaImage: Source

The Center of the Universe is in Oklahoma. It creates the echo sounds and amazes locals and tourists around the world. However, the Plaza is not huge; it is only around 9 meters long. That would be around 30 feet only. However, its unique architecture creates an echo effect, and other surroundings enhance the impact. The Plaza is not huge, but the streets and buildings unintentionally contribute to the acoustic anomaly.

Is The Silent Spot In Tulsa Real?

The Illusion of Silence

The Circle shape on a bridge in downtown Tulsa is famous as a Silent spot. The illusion of silence at the Plaza happens for many reasons, such as the unique architecture and acoustic and psychological effects. Though the Center of the Universe is not an ample space, it creates the echo effects due to its unique infrastructure. The circular shape of the Plaza and the surrounding infrastructure around it enhances the effects of acoustic anomaly. The psychological effects also contribute to the illusion of silence. When you stand in the Center and speak, the sound waves reflect at you. The unique design of Plaza mutes the external sound and enhances and reflects it at you.

Tulsa Rehabbing The Center of the Universe Plaza

Tulsa Rehabbing The Center of the Universe PlazaImage: Source

Tourists come to Tulsa to experience the echo at Center of the Universe Plaza. The Center of the Universe circle is located on the pedestrian path on the bridge. The bridge requires repair over the period. The questions evoked in the locals’ minds were that repairing the bridge and pavement may destroy the effects of echo. But the authorities confirm that they are not moving the famous circle ring. The process will preserve the echo effect of the circle. They remove and add bricks to the circle and repair other bridge parts to keep it intact and attractive.

Cultural Significance of Tulsa

Tulsa, the Center of the Universe, is culturally and historically significant to tourists, locals, and artists worldwide.

Economical Significance of Tulsa

Economical Significance of Tulsa

In the 20th century, the significant discovery of oil played a crucial role in driving Oklahoma’s economic expansion, leading to enhanced regional prosperity and substantial advancements in infrastructure.

Historical Significance of Tulsa

historical significance of Tulsa

The Centre of the Universe once faced the most disturbing racial massacre in the history of America. In 1921, there was a massive massacre against black community people of the region. Their houses and businesses were destroyed due to race-related violence. This horrible massacre is also known as the Greenwood massacre in the US History.

Cultural and Artistic Significance

Cultural and Artistic Significance

The Center of the Universe is famous for its cultural and musical contribution. Tulsa’s musical significance is notable in genres like Jazz and blues. The Plaza is a significant place for live musical performances by artists worldwide. The city is also famous for its art and museums. The Gilcrease Museum is filled with American artistic paintings and artifacts.

Cultural Festivals and Events

The Center of the Universe is also a place for all cultural festivals and events. These events celebrate art, music, culture, and local and international cuisines.


In summary, we can say that Tulsa, the Center of the Universe, has cultural, artistic, historical, and musical significance. The Plaza itself is a very unique place. The acoustic anomaly of the place is fascinating. The Plaza is a circular-shaped, small area of about 30 feet. But what makes it unique is the architectural design of the Plaza and its surroundings, which create echo effects. The Plaza is a home for various artistic and musical festivals and events. The city also has a very dark historical significance in the history of America. The Plaza has The place is called the Center of the Universe, but not geologically or in cosmology. However, the place is the Center of art and culture. The acoustic anomaly of the Plaza makes it a very unique place for musical performances.


What do you do at the Center of the Universe in Tulsa?

At the Center of the Universe, there is a spot from where you stand and make any kind of noise. The uniqueness of the place is it will produce a clear echo back at you when you are in the Center. On the other hand, if a person is outside the circle only hears a distorted sound.

Is the silent circle in Tulsa natural?

 The silent circle in Tulsa exists, but it’s not natural. It is an example of smart architectural surfaces. It is also famous as the Center of the Universe because of its unique ability to create acoustic anomalies. The Tulsa Plaza is a circular structure smartly designed to enhance sound effects. Because of its circular shape and ability to develop acoustic anomalies, it is known as the silent circle of Tulsa.

Why does it echo at the Center of the Universe in Tulsa?

The Center of the Universe is a unique place on a bridge in downtown Tusla. It is not surrounded by anything, but if you stand at the Center, sound reflects off it. The echo effect is due to the unique architectural structures in the surroundings.

What black hole is in the Center of the Universe?

The Center of the Universe Tulsa Plaza is not an astronomical place. The Plaza is an acoustic anomaly famous for creating echo effects without a proper structure. It is a circular shape on a bridge downtown in Tulsa. Tulsa has no black hole; it is just an urban phenomenon due to its acoustic anomaly.

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